Carew’s Dimensions of Professional Selling‚ (DPS) provides a structured, yet flexible, process for presentation development and delivery, the Diamond Presentation Process‚ DPS graduates will recall these essential elements of an effective presentation:
A recent article, 10 Critical Elements Your Sales Pitch is Probably Missing, identifies some finer points that can further polish your presentation for a competitive advantage. The list includes:
- A sense of humor
- Next steps
- Personalized effort
- Unabashed honesty
- Sincere inquiries
- A brainstorming element
- Cohesive structure
- Customized research
- An understanding of the user’s problem
- Proof that what you’re pitching really works
You will notice some overlap between elements of the Diamond Presentation Process and the list above. While the Diamond Presentation Process provides a foundational framework to ensure key elements and a logical/optimal flow for your presentation, this article provides additional considerations and great suggestions for creating a presentation that will stand out among your competitors.
Read the entire article here: 10 Critical Elements Your Sales Pitch is Probably Missing