The Role Leaders Play in the Safe and Healthy Workplace

Even as businesses that cater to the public are starting to open in some capacity, most organizations who don’t offer a public service are mandating that their employees continue to work remotely for the foreseeable future. As we’re all aware, the reasoning behind this is to successfully control the coronavirus pandemic and to keep employees, and on a larger scale, all citizens, safe and healthy. Many believe that as long as work can be done remotely, it should be.

Other organizations prefer their employees return to the office. These organizations are taking the necessary steps to keep their employees safe and are acting as a responsible member of the community as they initiate the “regathering” of their employees in the same space.

Some measures being taken include: limiting the number of employees allowed on the premises at any one time; taking employees’ temperatures as they enter the building; encouraging, and in some instances requiring, employees to wear masks; hiring cleaning crews to not only clean, but to sanitize the office daily; providing hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes throughout the office; closing down common areas; and requiring social distancing. Whatever measures you and your company decide to take, it’s important that you plan them out thoroughly before reopening your office.

Institutions around the nation are providing resources and guidance for how organizational leaders should approach return-to-workplace plans and workplace redesigns. In following this guidance, it is imperative that we, as leaders, are aware of our own personal opinions and biases surrounding the current health crisis. We must be prepared to place our opinions and biases to the side in the name of making workplace decisions that are in the best interest of our company, our people, and the community at large.

Whatever our leadership/management role is in our organization, it is up to us to roll-up our sleeves, lead by example, and take action to ensure the well-being of all our organization’s stakeholders.

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