Be Sure Compliments Support Your Sales Effort
Home 9 Message from the Mentor 9 Be Sure Compliments Support Your Sales Effort

In Carew’s DPS sales training, we address the importance of starting each customer interaction with Positive Contact, and compliments are among the most widely used form of upbeat ice breakers. We should all be aware, though, that not every compliment will be well received. In fact, the wrong compliment will do more harm than good.  A recent issue of Selling Power’s Sales Management Digest titled, How to Use Compliments to Help the Sale, provided some excellent insights to ensure the compliments we deliver are indeed complementing our sales effort.  

Here’s a recap: Almost everyone appreciates a compliment, but not every compliment goes over well – especially in sales. Insincere compliments can turn off the customer instantly. After all, who wants to start a relationship with someone whose compliments sound contrived?

Compliments can also border on inappropriate. A seemingly innocent compliment about clothing or general appearance could fall flat or be misconstrued, especially if the salesperson and customer are different genders and don’t know each other well.

With those caveats in mind, here are some areas to consider when you want to issue praise.

Compliment the customer’s choices. If something in the customer’s office or meeting room catches your eye, make a kind comment about it. It’s perfectly acceptable to compliment beautiful artwork on the wall, a great view from an office window, or the comfort of a well-crafted chair.

Compliment the customer’s business, product, or solution. Praise the customer’s operations, product, or company; that’s the best way to use a compliment to set the stage for a productive business discussion.

Compliment the customer’s team. If anyone on your customer’s team – from executive assistants to departmental colleagues to upper-level executives – strikes you as particularly efficient, pleasant, knowledgeable, friendly, enthusiastic, or helpful, then pass that along – compliment is easy to use when you’re trying to establish a tone of goodwill. But use compliments with intention, not simply because you don’t know what else to say. Practice the art of well-placed compliments, and you’ll increase the quality of your conversations and your chances of winning the sale. Read the entire article, How to Use Compliments to Help the Sale.

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