Keep Remote Sales Meetings Fun & Engaging to Prevent Your Sales Team from Becoming “Zoombies”

We are months into this new remote leadership model, with more demanding months to come. That reality means we cannot view remote meetings as a temporary inconvenience. We need to make them an effective management and team-building tool now.

Zoom fatigue is spreading, as we spend hours in front of our computers working to make sure our sales teams and businesses remain focused and successful. How do we stay connected to our team, other leaders, and each other? How do we maintain positive energy? Thinking creatively and adding some fun into our meetings can help us connect in different ways. Here are some suggestions to get your team smiling, engaged, and feeling connected.

Theme Your Meeting

  • Halloween Costume Team Meeting. Halloween is just around the corner, so why not host a costume party virtual meeting? Reward the best costumes to encourage your sales team’s participation.
  • Fall Happy Hour. Encourage your team to make their favorite fall beverage. Set aside time on the call for everyone to share their recipes!
  • Dress It Up. Set aside your jeans, t-shirts, yoga attire and casual wear to dress your best. Casual, comfortable clothing has become commonplace now that many of us are working from our home offices, and that’s perfectly okay. However, hosting a meeting with a “dress code” might signal the importance of the meeting and even give your team members a burst of energy.

Create Team Challenges

  • Put together small teams (or pairs) to work on special projects or collaborate on business goals. Designate time in the meeting for the teams or pairs to give a status update.
  • Create cross-functional combinations that might not otherwise happen. Have your sales team drop into operations or finance team huddles. This is a great way to change up the group dynamic, and a potential developmental tool for your team.


Laughter is truly the best medicine, and we need it now more than ever.

  • Storytime: Video Call Fails. Realizing you’re not on mute when your kid shouts something embarrassing‚ forgetting that your camera is turned on‚ we’ve all been there! Build rapport with your team by sharing some funny video call stories.
  • Funniest Video. There are endless sources of humor out there. For each team meeting, assign one member to share a funny video clip with the group.

Until we can gather our sales teams face-to-face, we need to amp up the engagement level with some fun and variety. Hosting themed meetings, creating team challenges, and incorporating elements of entertainment are all great ways to get your team tuned in and connected.

Beyond adding these specific features to your remote meetings, the most important thing we as leaders can do is remember our role in setting an example and setting the tone for every session. Start every remote meeting with Positive Contact. Be energized. Be on time. Be present. Be productive. If your words and actions indicate that the new normal is manageable and the future is bright, it will go a long way in reassuring and motivating your team.

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