How Carew’s Customer Orientations Can Help You Write Winning Emails

In Carew sales training programs, we teach Customer Orientations as a method for understanding our customers. These buyer personalities help us shape the direction and flow of our sales calls based on the “type” of customer we are working with. Email communication is especially important right now, as many of us are working remotely and in virtual environments rather than face-to-face. Carew’s Customer Orientations can be used as a guide and can help you compose winning emails in today’s virtual business world.
Let’s review Carew’s four Customer Orientations and some email tips for each:

  1. Security.
    Security-oriented customers typically try to avoid risk. They are precise and detailed, and like to keep track of everything via organized files and documentation.
    When communicating with security customers via email, it is very important that you include as many details as possible. These customers aren’t afraid of long or wordy emails – the more details and data you can include, the better! Keep them informed at all times. As soon as you find out information they were looking for, let them know! These customers generally don’t mind if you send them multiple emails back-to-back. They will appreciate that you are keeping them informed, and this will increase their confidence in you and strengthen your relationship.
  2. Affiliation.
    Affiliation-oriented customers are “people people.” They value the relationships they have with others, enjoy entertainment, and do their best to avoid conflict.
    When it comes to communicating with an affiliation customer via email, don’t jump right to business! Take a few sentences at the beginning of your email to “shoot the breeze.” Ask them about their family or a hobby you know they enjoy. These customers like to know you care about them as a person and they want to form a close relationship with you, so keep your emails friendly and light-hearted before talking business!
  3. Power.
    Power-oriented customers are authoritative people who often focus on themselves and their own accomplishments. They like to have control over situations and always work in the name of getting things done.
    When communicating with a power customer via email, it is best to keep everything straight and to the point. Therefore, bulleted format emails work very well with power customers. It’s also never a bad idea to stroke a power customer’s ego in your email. Try closing with a line recognizing the work your customer is doing ‚Äì these types of customers love external recognition!
  4. Actualization. Actualizers are a blend of the other three customer orientations. Depending on the situation they are in, they can display power, affiliation or security traits. The main thing to remember about an actualization-oriented customer is that they are always in it for the betterment of their organization. They share credit and demand excellence from themselves and everyone around them to get the job done right and done well. They are open and honest, and they’ll expect the same openness and honesty from you.

When communicating with these types of customers via email, be upfront. Tell them what you can and can’t do to help their organization, and make sure they are copied on any email that has to do with them or their job, even if it isn’t directly intended for them. They expect to be kept in the loop and neglecting to do so is a violation of their trust. Trust is extremely important when working with an actualizer, so you must do what you say you are going to do. Be sure to follow through with all your promises, including those made over email.

Email is key during this time of remote work and rare face-to-face interaction. Follow the tips above to tailor your messaging to your customers and craft emails that will get through to them!

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