Great Summer Reading, 11 Books That Will Fuel Your Professional Selling Growth

Looking for some worthwhile summer reading? Sales professionals should be continually looking for fresh insights and inspiration, to drive our own professional selling skills growth and performance and as a means to add value to our customers. It can be challenging to find worthwhile material, so HubSpot recently published a list of 11 Fascinating Books on Harvard Business School’s Required Reading List as a great place to start:

  1. True North: Discover Your Authentic Leadership by Bill George
  2. Talent on Demand by Pater Cappelli
  3. The Money of Invention: How Venture Capital Creates New Wealth by Paul A. Gompers & Josh Lerner
  4. Many Unhappy Returns: One Man’s Quest to Turn Around the Most Unpopular Organization in America by Charles O. Rossotti
  5. The Arc of Ambition: Defining the Leadership Journey by Jim Champy and Nitin Nohria
  6. Pour Your Heart Into It: How Starbucks Built a Company One Cup at a Time by Howard Schultz
  7. Unleashing Innovation: How Whirlpool Transformed an Industry by Nancy Tennant Snyder
  8. Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die by Chip & Dan Heath
  9. Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make Competition Irrelevant by W. Chan Kim & Renee Mauborgne
  10. Scaling up Excellence: Getting to More Without Settling for Less by Robert Sutton & Huggy Rao
  11. Data Science for Business by Foster Provost & Tom Fawcett

A number of these books are geared toward business leaders. Don’t make the mistake of thinking the insights don’t apply to you because you don’t currently hold a “leadership” role. You sell to leaders and work for leaders. You may aspire to a business leadership position one day. As such, these insights are extremely relevant to your long-term professional and selling skills success.

For more detail on each book, read the entire article: 11 Fascinating Books on Harvard Business School’s Required Reading List

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