Tom Brady’s 7 Leadership Principles
Home 9 Message from the Mentor 9 Tom Brady’s 7 Leadership Principles

I’m a sucker for a good leadership article, especially when it involves sports.

This morning, while attempting to savor another cup of pre-chaos, scramble-to-get-the-kids-to-school coffee, I came across Tom Brady’s new Harvard Business Review article in my LinkedIn feed – a must-read!

We frequently focus on leadership in the context of executives – CEOs, Chief Revenue Officers, VPs of Sales. But leadership isn’t confined to the C-suite.

Leadership emerges in many forms. Carew recognizes the power of informal leadership – those who inspire and motivate through their actions, attitudes, and relationships. Tom Brady explains how these informal leaders drive success:

  • By the tone they set
  • How they conduct themselves
  • How they interact with their peers

Driven by the question of how Brady helped the people around him perform better, the HBR Spotlight Series article shares seven leadership principles that can be applied to any team in any industry to unlock peak performance.

#1 – Prioritize the Team

    Even when facing personal setbacks, always put the team first. Brady shares his own experience of being benched in college, emphasizing that his commitment to supporting his teammates ultimately led to greater success for the entire team.

    Our Takeaway: Support your colleagues, celebrate team wins, and focus on collective goals. A collaborative environment breeds success.

    #2 – Recognize the Unsung Heroes

      Acknowledge and appreciate the contributions of everyone on the team, including those in less visible supporting roles. Brady learned this lesson early on, recognizing the importance of valuing every player’s contribution, from the star quarterback to the offensive linemen.

      Our Takeaway: Show appreciation for your sales support staff, marketing team, and colleagues who assist in closing deals. A simple thank you or an “I appreciate you” can go a long way in building morale and motivation.

      #3 – Set the Standard for 100% Effort

        Create a culture of high expectations and accountability. Brady and his Patriots teammates pushed each other to exceed expectations, even beyond what the coaches required. This commitment to excellence fueled their success.

        Our Takeaway: Lead by example. Set ambitious goals, continuously strive for improvement, and encourage your team to do the same. Provide regular feedback and celebrate achievements to reinforce a culture of high performance.

        #4 – Understand Individual Motivations

        Recognize that each person is unique and requires a tailored approach to motivation. Brady learned to adapt his leadership style to different players, understanding that what motivates one person might not work for another.

        Our Takeaway: Take the time to understand what drives each member of your team. Offer personalized feedback, recognize individual achievements, and tailor your communication style to resonate with each person.

        #5 – Complement the Formal Leader

        Understand and adapt to the leadership style of your formal leader to create a balanced team environment. Brady balanced Bill Belichick’s demanding style with a more approachable and supportive demeanor, creating camaraderie and trust within the team.

        Our Takeaway: Be aware of your manager’s leadership style and find ways to complement it. Encourage open communication, promote collaboration, and recognize the diverse leadership styles within your team.

        #6 – Counteract Selfish Behavior

        Recognize and mitigate the external pressures that can lead to selfish behavior. Brady emphasizes the importance of reinforcing a team-first mentality, especially when individuals face pressure to prioritize personal gain over collective success.

        Our Takeaway: Create a collaborative environment where individual goals align with team objectives. Celebrate team wins, promote a culture of mutual support, and address any instances of unhealthy competition head-on.

        #7 – Connect Outside the Office

        Build camaraderie and strengthen team bonds through shared experiences outside of work. Brady highlights the value of team-building activities and social events in building stronger connections and deeper understanding among team members.

        Our Takeaway: Organize team-building activities, social events, or volunteer opportunities to allow your team to connect on a personal level. These shared experiences can strengthen relationships and improve collaboration.

        This is only a summary of Brady’s leadership principles. You can read his full article here, and I suggest you do!

        Have questions? Want to learn more? Ready to build your training plan? Our team is here to help! Let’s Talk!

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